Wednesday, May 27, 2009


1.) to Lauren:
I agree with you Lauren! I read this novel too, and I also think that the climax is when Napoleon starts to control other animals and act like human. When I was reading this part, I too felt a bit creepy and unpleasant like you because I didn't like how Napoleon acted like humans when he said that mans are animals' enemies. Nice job :)

2.) to Pauline:
I was personally surprised to learn that there's a fireman who likes to burn books. It is a bit creepy and upseting to find out that some people want to burn books. I didn't read this book so I don't know about it well but according to your explanation, it seems pretty interesting. It's amazing how a novel can make people feel many different emotions.I really want to read this novel one day to see how the author can make readers feel disturbed. Nice work, Pauline!

3.) To Joohee:
By reading your post, I really wanted to read this novel. It's certainly astonishing how children can kill each other to survive! I wonder what I would do if I was in that situation. Also, I really liked how you explained well about how this novel relates to civilization. It is amazing to know that humans can change when they are placed in danger. Nice job, Joohee!

4.) To Hyon woo:
I agree with the fact that the two pigs are rivals because they eagerly wnated to win each other. However, I didn't really like those characters because they were cute at first but later turned out to be too bosy and tried to control other animals. I also didn't enjoy the part where Napoleon acted like humans. Anyways, nice work Hyon Woo!

5.) To Jamie:
I really liked your creative picture about your own perspective about the animal farm. I certainly agree with the fact that the mood of this novel wasn't very cheerful like how normal people would imagine a farm to be. It seems very obvious that you spent a lot of time and effort at completing this post! Very nice job at drawing an interesting picture that portrays the "animal farm" perfectly! I really liked your post.

6.) To Christine:
I agree with your idea that the climax is when the animals realized that they aren't satisfied with their freedom. When I read this novel, I also felt unpleasant at Napoleon because he wasn't a good leader. He promised to give happiness and freedom to farm animals but instead of becomming happy, the animals were more saddened. Nice work!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

8th Blog- Question #1

1.What is the major theme of this novel? Why is this theme important to a teenager living in 2009?

The theme of this novel is that too much power can be used for bad purposes that can harm everyone. In the novel, Napoleon’s unrighteous ruling made all the other animals to suffer and feel less freedom. Another theme is that you should be satisfied with your lives right now. In the novel, the animals thought that they’ll get better lives if they take over the farm and get rid of man. However, they became less happy and had to work much harder to survive under harsh ruling. This theme is very important to teenagers living in 2009 because they should know that abuse of political power can make everyone unhappy and make their lives worse. Teenagers should also know that they should be satisfied with their living right now because many teens complain about how their life is very unfair and unhappy.

7th Blog- My choice!

Journal of my choice
Make a text- to –self connection with “Animal Farm”

Just like how all the animals in the farm felt, I also thought that my life is very meaningless and unhappy. And I really wished to live different lives. However, when I learned about the lives of children in Africa and North Korea, I began to realize that I should be thankful of what I have right now. In the novel, the animals also learned that they got less freedom since when they changed their lives by taking over the farm.

6th Blog- Question #4

4. What is the climax of this novel? What happens? How do the events of this novel make you feel?

The climax of this novel is when the animals start to realize that they have less freedom because of Napoleon’s bossy ruling style. Since Napoleon carried on a plan to take over the farm and since his plans worked pretty well, he began to have more pride in himself and began to control other animals because he thinks that he is the most powerful. However, the animals didn’t feel content about their lives.
The events of this novel make me feel very unpleasant because I didn’t like the idea that animals want to rule over human’s property. Also, seeing farm animals suffering from daily routine made me to feel very sorry for them.What is the major theme of this novel? Why is this theme important to a teenager

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

5th Blog- Question 2

2. Are there are any current situations in the world that relate to the novel? What are they, and how do they relate? Does the novel shed any light on how current situations could be resolved or "fixed"?

Many teenagers these days want to live independently by running out of their house because they think it’ll be happier to live without parent’s scolding or pressure. However, most of them regret when they go out of their comfort zone. And they later realize that living peacefully with family was much enjoyable than living by themselves. This issue is very much related to the problem in Animal Farm because the animals regretted living without humans. This solution can be solved by understanding and realizing the importance of their situation.

4th Blog- Question 5

5. What is the mood of this novel? Do you find this novel saddens you in any way? Why?

The mood of this novel in the beginning was very enthusiastic and cheerful because the animals were joyfully planning about how to take over the farm. The mood sounded joyful in this part because the animals were discussing about all the happy events that’s going to happen once man leaves the farm.
However, as the story proceeds, the mood saddens because the animals couldn’t get better lives as they have expected. Instead, they had to work like slaves to live without humans.

3rd Blog- Question 7

7. Are there any settings in this novel that you have found to be beautiful? Or disturbing? Or memorable? Describe these settings and comment on why they were meaningful to you.

One of the settings that I found very disturbing was: “The fields were full of weeds, the buildings wanted roofing, the hedges were neglected, and the animals were underfed.” The reason why these descriptions were disturbing for me was because it shows how the house was very dirty and unorganized. Just thinking of my house full of weeds and weak structure made me to feel unpleasant.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

2nd blog- Question 6

6. Please choose one passage from the novel that is significant to you. Why is this passage meaningful? Please type it into one of your entries and comment on what you think about the passage.

“Man is the only real enemy we have. Remove man from the scene and the root cause of hunger and overwork is abolished forever…He does not give milk, he does not lay eggs, he is too weak to pull the plough, he cannot run fast enough to catch rabbits. Yet he is lord of all the animals.”

This passage was very significant for me because it seemed to reveal God’s power when he was creating all the living creatures. He gave each animal special gift such as giving milk, laying eggs, strength, and running fast. And he gave humans ability to control all these animals and make everyone peaceful. However, the animals decided to have revolt against humans because they couldn’t understand what gifts humans got. Another reason why this passage was meaningful to me was because it seemed to show how people these days abuse animals. Human’s job is to take care of animals but many people now days abuse them and even do experiments on them. Just because humans are “the lord of all the animals,” we shouldn’t think of animals as slaves or toys.

1st blog- Question 3

3. Who are the main characters in the novel? Do you like them? Why or why not? What is special about them? What do they reveal about the universal human experience?

The main character of this novel is Napoleon, the pig who becomes the leader of all animals by revolting against humans. At first, I liked him a lot because he was very confident and brave. He also had great leadership to lead all animals to make better lives. However, as I realized that he becomes very bossy because he thinks that pigs are the most intelligent animals, I started to lose interest in him. I really didn’t like how he bossed other animals to work all day when only thing he did was directing. And his actions of making animals unfortunate made me to disagree with the idea that pigs are the most intelligent animals. Napoleon’s actions reveal about the universal human experience because many selfish leaders these days make wrong decision and make everyone around him to suffer.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009