Thursday, March 6, 2008


It was when our school went to the Everland at the end of the year. Soomin, Seoyoung, and I were having a lot of fun and tried to ride almost all the roller costers in the Everland. We rode every single ones that we saw (if the line wasn't too long) and finally faced the really humungus one, which looked very scary. The name of that roller coaster was "Eagle", I guess, and it surely did move as fast as an eagle. We were staring at it for few minutes, can't decide to ride it or not. Then I saw a group of people comming out of that roller coaster and their face looked very very pale. Just looking at them and hearing the screams threated me. I decided to not ride it. Soomin and I were turning back and were trying to look for a different ride when Seoyoung grabbed our hands. She pulled them and pointed toward that horrible roller coaster with a big smile on her face. "It looks fun :) We should try that~," said Seoyoung, and I still remember her horrible smile. So, we all decided to ride it but it took me a lot of thoughts and courage. 'What if I desperately want to stop while riding it?' I thought. But anyway, I decided to try because I wanted to challenge myself. Also, when someone ask what you rode in Everland, I can't say that I rode Merry- go -round. If I ride that roller coaster, then I can proudly say that I rode the really scary one. Finally we were in line and it was almost our turn to ride. We wore seatbelts and the ride started. Then, I was so surprised to find out how exciting it was! It wasn't scary at all!!! When we got off, I was thinking that it was great to have courage and take the chance. I learned that I should always have courage because, then I can face any difficulties :)


Rong Han said...

I can imagine Seoyoung's smile; it must have been scary~ But I think it was really brave of you to ride that scary ride. Although I've never ridden it, I hope I could someday! That reminds me of my first roller coaster ride. I felt exactly the same way before and after the ride.

Seo Young M. said...

ㄱ- You exagerated the story again Kelly... I didn't make an evil smile. -_- Now I know I must be careful of saying anything infront of you or you might exaggerate again keke

P.S. And it's Seo Young not Seoyoung keke

JenniferY said...

but does Seo Young really have an evil smile??? just out of curiousity....
this reminds me of when I was little and I rode my first roller coaster. First scary then fun. Good times pass by too quickly....

Samantha's Reading Shack said...

The Eagle's really fun! But the last time I tried that rollercoaster, I had my mouth open and most of the saliva in my mouth spurted out and sprayed my Aunt who was sitting beside me;;....Anyway.....Seo Young's smile? Maybe it was the smile from my dream....=O

Christine said...

hehe thanks!
WOW~ I love~~~~~~~` rollercoasterride:)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) man ! you can never get sick of that:)))
yeah and I guess that was my first ride too. I rode it in.. 1st or 2nd grade.. hahaha.
I thought it was a choochoo train but then.. later on I realized it was a roller coaster@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! man, I was FREAKED!!!!!!!haahhaha and I think its funny how I got fooled cause it said 청룡열차 or sth.. and I only saw the part 열차...--;;
yeah hahaahha nice story..